How I was hit by the train that killed Gregg Plitt

Early morning 15 november 2018. Some crappy clickbait website pushes the 10 most extreme bodybuilders of all Time at me. Number 2 is Greg Plitt. The title above that item hits me like the avalanche that almost killed me back in 1993: A long career of physical fitness was cut short when Greg Plitt tried to race a train and lost. I checked the guy out and my life has never been the same. This guy spoke so eloquently about life and death and afterlife and then boom he’s gone. Out of here…. graduated earth…. on to the next level. This article tells the story of how he went.

His mesmerizing way contemplating life already grabbed me and training a lot myself – calesthenics and all – his training tips are equally useful to me. I shazamed all the music under this collection of Greg Plitt motivational video’s and that has put my life on a completely different frequency. Listening a few hours a day to this filmic epic music style and training with it puts you right back in the starring role of this movie we are experiencing on planet earth. Extra in this movie no more! Thanks Greg! U touched me … U travel with me now.

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